Once there is some idea that ruins exist, the dig begins with a survey, and the site is divided into a north oriented grid. Sections of the grid are excavated into "trenches," but walkways are left in place as a way to enter the site without damaging it and also to remove debris and "finds" from the site.
In the image at left the wheelbarrow, archeologists, and workmen are on the grid walls. The slightly lower wall coming towards camera is part of the ruins, where one of the site's original walls once stood.
The shot to the right features a minaret (the tower associated with a mosque, from which the call to prayer would emanate), but the minaret was not part of the Qasr. It was moved on top of these ruins by a French archaeological team to avoid its destruction as the river valley was flooded. Little did they know that they placed it right on top of other significant ruins.